As of yesterday Cricket Season has officially started here in Australia.
For those of you not familiar with the game it would have to be the most boring game ever invented. Personally I would love to find an activity that justifiably took me out of the house for 20 hours a week (2 nights training and one full day game play).
Two teams of 11 men each side standing around trying to hit then catch a ball, while attemping to make runs - sounds fun, doesn't it!!!!
It does have it's plus sides, if you go to watch a game it's great for catching up on reading, sleeping or for doing a bit of sunbaking.
If you wisely choose not to go to a game then that's 8 hours on a Saturday to send the kids to a friends house and then play with craft stuff!!!!
The other plus is it's a great photo opportunity when the kids dress in Daddy's old helmet and play a game of backyard cricket.
Great photos!! :)
I love your post on cricket!
hah!! yup - all the way to the American site to end up back in Oz! It is funny! Glad to have found your blog!
I am a Magnolia lover too!!
Gosh Peta! Seems like my hubby ought to take up the game too then! 8 hours of crafting time sounds just great! I'd opt for that everytime... = ) you are too funny! And little miss Annie-May is just too cute!
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